I went to Iowa to help my Mom. And, as always, she helped me!

Mom is going through chemotherapy and wasn't able to drive for a few weeks since the treatments made her weak. So she had me driving from place to place. On one stop to a craft store, she encouraged me to pick up some supplies. I hadn't brought any art materials with me from New Mexico. In fact, since my son's birth over 14 years ago, my artwork production had been sporadic. I did art for the church and I did art because...well, I just have to do it! But I hadn't made any concerted effort to show or sell it.

But, at an earlier time in my life, before children, I showed my work in galleries around the country and actually made a living at it. And now, as Peter and Brigit are increasingly independent, it's time for me to return to the two things I know most about: art and writing.
Actually, the writing part of my life has continued all along and you can find my articles on several sites. But this website is dedicated to the Art Part. It is like a flower bulb planted in the ground long ago...it keeps coming up year after year! 

With Mom's encouragement, I started creating small religious paintings. We took a few of these to a college reunion gathering. They sold right away. In fact all of those first twenty pieces sold within two weeks, and I received lots of wonderful feedback. So, here I am with more to share!

This time around, I'm not starting an art business alone. Brigit, age 11, has been taking lessons from me. She has created a series of beautiful plaques, showing horses silhouetted against glowing sunsets.

So please check out our Drawing on Faith works! We'll be adding more photos soon! And thanks Mom. You are always an inspiration!

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